Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scientists turn E. Coli Bacteria into Hard Drives

Yup, its what the title says, Chinese scientists are learning to turn bacteria into data storage devices. "The team has devised a way to encrypt and store information in the DNA of bacteria to such an effective degree that they say just one gram of E. coli could store the same amount of data as 450 two-terabyte hard drives." That is crazy futuristic. They even have a three tier sercurity system devised so there could be no cyber threats. Another interesting thing is that since bacteria keeps replicating theoretically they could store data reliably for millennia. I wonder if were going to find some hidden data infused in our own DNA left from some alien speices that's been extinct.

For the full story click on the link


  1. That's so crazy! The future is exciting :)

  2. That's awesome! I love reading about stuff like this.

  3. Woah. This is some serious stuff. Can't wait to see how it unfolds.

  4. Awesome, I can't wait to see what they come up with in the future. Great post.

  5. That's insane. I wonder if it will be practical.

  6. damn man, i was learning about this in my lecture the other day.

  7. That's just ridiculous. And they say Moore's Law is debunct.

  8. Wow, I never even thought that could be possible. Really makes me want to look into it!

  9. Wow, makes you wonder whats going to happen in the future!

  10. um..... wow. Epic win for humanity. E. coli costs..... nothing. It's goddam everywhere, and we are always trying to get rid of it.

  11. Just think, computers that can be hit with real viruses.

  12. Damn, that's crazy cool. One day we might even be able to use our own bodies for storing stuff.

  13. this is so incredible im with anonfourtwenty i think we might find data from other being

  14. China, turning hair into soy sauce, and E.Coli into harddrive space. I love it.
