Friday, January 7, 2011

Neocube / Buckyballs

My father got 216 small high energy magnetic balls for Christmas called bucky balls, I've been playing with them for quite some time now. Checked out online and some people take it to the next level. Here's two videos of what can be done with them. They are crazy.

It comes in a cube like this...

Trippy geometrical shapes you can make...


  1. Seen those before, always cool to see. A simple toy yet so fascinating.

  2. necube amazing stuff, I'd like to have one :)
    followin you

  3. Whoa I didn't know they made those. I remember seeing a video about stuff like this in high school, except they looked pretty pricey.

  4. Wow you could save a lot on jewelery with that :)

  5. Wow this is awesome I definitely need one

  6. I agree with above. I need one.

  7. These things have gone viral man! They must've paid a LOT for the ads on youtube, because they're always promoted or featured on the right hand side.

  8. I was looking for this one..I had seen this somewhere before and couldn't remember the name..Thanks for the post.
