Monday, November 1, 2010

Yes on Prop 19!

Well because you all should be going out to vote tomorrow I thought I'd post a little about marijuana and why you should be voting yes on Prop 19 (if you live in california, that is the prop that will legalize smoking weed if your 21+). I've been going back and forth trying to decide if I like the prop. At first I was completely for it, then I read the actual prop and realized they are putting lots more regulations and fines on smoking it if there are minors present (1000$ and up to 6 months in jail for smoking with a minor oppose to the 100$ fine right now). I was pretty bummed because in all of the ads they just say legalization of marijuana when it barely does this, so I was against it. But after a lot of thinking I decided that I will be voting yes on 19. Even though this prop will increase the fines and ruin local distributers because you need an expensive license to sell, I believe that if california passes this prop many of the other states will follow suit and create similar bills. I just hope that when they draft their bills they actually decriminalize it and not just turn it into a monopoly (which is what california's doing), then california will have to follow suit.

Ok enough talk, I bet most of you won't even read that and just look at these, but thats ok, enjoy!


  1. One of my favourite infographics. I don't personally smoke - but I feel that it truly is a shame that we haven't legalized it yet...

  2. Just so it's controlled like alcohol, I won't have a problem. Although it really makes me upset when people live their life around the stuff. They make it a lifestyle rather than a hobby or 'social lubricant', as my friend often says.

  3. makes drivers less safe. drinking and driving is equivalent in my mind to smoking and driving. just bad shit man

  4. Its Alot safer than drink driving! I should be legal its a plant! as your post says hemp is universal you can make plastic from it, its helps people with cancer MS etc... plus getting stoned is Awesome! in moderation! smoking weed every day can be harmful but drinkin achole every day is more dangerous, plus fields of cannibis could reverse the effects of golbal warming its suggested,

  5. More possessions of marijuana than deadly weapon? This is a good fact IMO.

  6. I liked the pot yin yang. Looked cool.

  7. Good to see you're stating the facts. People need to look beyond their common misconceptions and see the truth-- pot ain't so bad and legalizing it will improve life in so many ways.

  8. i think if in the whole world they make it legal , then not so much problems would be, very nice post , much info!


  10. I'd vote if I was american, sorry I can't help.

  11. I don't know. I think bad things from pot aren't happening because it's not legal. But I don't really know what bad things could happen since it hasn't really happened....if that makes any sense

  12. This is just the first step! You can't expect it to be totally free just now ;) VOTE YES

  13. Is it worth the money to degrade our morals?

  14. Love the blog! DAT ASS in the background! bravo sir

  15. i didn't vote yes, i voted FUCK YEAH

  16. Shame prop 19 failed... woulda been nice to see the shitshow that ensued afterwards
