Friday, November 5, 2010

Hangover Cures

Well it's friday and I bet about this time tomorrow I will be feeling pretty shitty. So I thought today I would supply you guys with some great hangover cures. I looked up what the best hangover cures are and 90% of them were mixed drinks with hot sauce and stuff like that. I have heard of that but when I wake up after a long night of drinking the last thing I want to do is drink more, even if it helps. So I'm going to write a little list of my own, here's the 'Top Ten'.

1. Prevention - Don't drink, you wont be hungover... ok well I know that's not going to be happening so how about this if you do drink, sleep with the biggest glass of water you can find and finish it by morning.

2. Water (Lots of it) - Alcohol dehydrates you, with every beer or shot you effectively loose more water then you take in.  Being dehydrated causes seering headaches (sound familiar). You can drink it in the morning but I would recommend drinking during the night.

3. Sports Drinks - When you drink you don't just loose water, you loose minerals and electrolytes, Gatorade and stuff light that can refill whats lost.

4. Pain Medication - Ibuprofen, Tylenol and stuff like that are made to reduce headaches, they will do what they are made for. (I also heard that vitamins B-6 and B-12 can greatly reduce the effects of one)

5.Tripe Soup - Folks down in Mexico swear by this, realisticly you probably wont have this sitting around but I thought I'd put it on the list anyway.

6. Bacon, Eggs and Toast - Usually my cure being that its so easy to make and I always have this stuff sitting around. Food in your stomach helps soak up the alcohol left over so the more you eat the better you feel later.

7. Greasy Food - McMuffins or something like that, why? Because you already feel like shit and you spent all your money on booze.

8. Marijuana - Weed has been used for many generations to cure nausia, and who knows you might forget about your headache.
9. Sleep - Doesn't need an explanation.

10. All of the above - Wouldn't hurt

*Basically* If you are so hungover that you know you will be in bed most of the day I recommend, smoking a bowl, making a greasy breakfast, eating it with a huge glass of water, then going back to bed (with more water).

What do you do to cure your hangovers?


  1. I try and get a bottle of water down before i go to sleep after drinking that night and drinking alot of water in the morning

  2. A lot of water works for me, but then again, I have to get up to pee about every 20 minutes or so cause of all the liquid. I heard bananas are pretty good too, but this list has all the major one's I've heard haha

  3. My gf is mexican and before each one of her familys get togethers, weddings, parties, quinceanera, she makes Menudo (tripe soup) and that shit gets rid of EVERYTHING

  4. An aspirin and lots of water work great. And if you drink coffee, drink even more water, since coffee is a diuretic.

  5. drinking and smoking don't mix well, jus sayin!

  6. awesome , tho i only get a hang over when i drink and smoke and done that twice no more now lol. i lucky i can drink as much as i want and just passout and be good xD

  7. I pretty much do number 1. yeap, much easier than the rest.

  8. Never had a hangover, even after being passed out and puking drunk lol.

  9. the thing that always helped me was Orange Juice, and if you have the will power, working out.

  10. You are the person i will love most come tomorow<s hangover...

  11. Water & Moderation! Good post mate thanks!

  12. I've never had one, and I use to binge drink like crazy.

  13. great post & great blog :)

  14. Ive found after every few drinks through out the night, too just even it out with 2 good cups of water. It doesn't sober you up but I will be damned if I have a hangover the next day.

  15. Nice. I also heard some additional potassium helps because alcohol depletes it. Might just be an urban myth though.

  16. Great advice, I can also suggest that don't drink more than you can, I can only drink 3 cans of budweiser 24oz. If I drink the 4th I vomit =( Besides, it's not cool being so drunk. Don't exceed, guyz =)

  17. I showed my friends your post and they enjoyed it! Keep them coming!

  18. Vitamin B, Always works

    Good information here.

  19. Don't know about the smoking one :P Eating, drinking and stuff sounds reasonable :)

  20. thanks for the tips. they're really helpful cause its weekend ^^

  21. I usually drink a bucketload of water then get a dirty breakfast roll with some lucozade sport. I can never sleep though

  22. vitamine pills to get the minerals and vitamins back!

  23. good list, i just drink shitload of water

  24. i knew most of these, but the tylenol one isnt one that i knew.

  25. I've had one hangover in all my life...after that I was like ok I'll make sure to not drink it like water anymore.

  26. I usually go with 2. when i get home than 9. followed by 6.
    works like a charm for me
