Friday, December 3, 2010

Holographic FIFA games to broadcast?

So I just read an article on CNN about japans plan to broadcast the next world cup in 2022. I took out some parts that are pretty interesting.

"At the heart of Japan's bid is a plan to broadcast entire games to stadiums on the other side of the world in what appears to be life-sized holograms... Japanese organizers say each game will be filmed by 200 high definition cameras, which will use "freeviewpoint" technology to allow fans to see the action unfold from a player's eye view -- the kind of images until now only seen in video games.
 Meanwhile on the terraces, supporters will be able to use in-ear computerized translators to talk freely to fans from other countries -- a device that mimics the "Star Trek's" universal translators or the Babel Fish of "Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.""

 If your intreiged then heres the full article.


  1. If they manage to do that the whole world will be amazed, myself included

  2. That would be totally awesome, if holland wins a cup it would be double awesome

  3. damn, universal translator + holograms = FTW!

  4. I was reading this also. I would love to see this happen.

  5. Would be badass if they could pull all that off.

  6. Wow, this makes me wish I liked soccer

    awesome nonetheless though

  7. Wow, that could be really cool.

  8. the japanese don't mess around... can't wait for the next worldcup!

  9. Would anybody seriously watch that? I mean, it's a cool idea, but is there any practical application?

  10. That is absolutely amazing. Just to think about how technology is and will develop over the next 50 years...We may be well on our way to Star Trek. haha

  11. hmmmm...I think the players would have more attentionworty things to do than explaining their love for kittens to the audiance

  12. The Japanese already have holograms? That was faster then I thought.

  13. hay just stopping by to say that i am restarting my blog. Hoping you can stop by daily and check it out and i can do the same for you.

  14. great background you have here!

